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The Power of Integrated Systems: Maximising Your ROI

There has been a lot of controversy in recent years about whether to use all-in-one systems or integrated systems. The integrated systems method functions similarly to a team; for example, in a football team, 11 players each do their specific jobs to the best of their abilities in order to help the team score a goal(s) and win the game. An all-in-one system, on the other hand, does not work as a team but rather tries to be the star player, with mixed outcomes. In this post, we'll show you how consumers who opt for an integrated systems approach get the same level of service as those who go for an all-in-one system, with the exception that the integrated system is significantly superior. Why? Because the integrated systems approach specializes in each specific area of knowledge and the systems that are merged together are experts in their respective domains, users of this product will receive the highest level of service from start to finish.

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September 15, 2023

What is an integrated system?

Let us begin by explaining what an integrated system is. This strategy connects numerous discrete components that do different "jobs" in such a way that they work efficiently together as a whole. "Customers want the proper integration of technologies to streamline their process and enhance efficiency," says Anne Mulcahy, former chairman and CEO of Xerox.

So, what precisely does that imply? Here's an example that Apple fans would find interesting: in order to give the greatest overall product for their customers, Apple outsources the screen work for iPhones to a different business. This is similar to how LeadByte collaborates with Landingi, a drag-and-drop landing page builder, to provide its customers with the best service possible. "If you deny yourself of outsourcing while your competitors do not, you are putting yourselves out of business," argues Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister.

What is an all-in-one system?

The all-in-one system in the performance marketing space may offer clients and users a package of marketing solutions that typically include lead management, landing page building, and affiliate tracking. However, by trying to “do it all” the brand/company lacks the experience and quality that a partnership with a third party system allows your company to achieve. Should you put the two against each other, the integrated systems approach wins every time, simply because you have a full team of various specialists going up against one company attempting to do the jobs of many, resulting in substandard results.

However, when generating leads, affiliate tracking, creating landing pages and doing co-registration; you want the most effective service for each of the above steps. Integrated solutions enable clients to choose top-of-the-range technology. For example, companies like  LeadByte seamlessly bring together multiple systems to develop a compliant, easy-to-use and totally awesome integrated system that offers users the best possible Return on Investment (ROI) for their business.


Efficient data management

Integrated systems have been curated and tested to work seamlessly to give you the results you need in real-time. To give you an example, the company, Landingi have structured their product in such a way that it ties into their partner LeadByte’s software seamlessly so that when a user creates and posts their landing page, the lead is instantly posted and registered with LeadByte. Therefore, despite the two being completely separate systems, the leads come through as quickly and efficiently as they would using an all-in-one system. The difference: you receive both the best landing page and lead management technologies.

Maintenance and upgrades

With all your team focusing on the task at hand and our software taking care of the lead capture, real-time validation, distribution and nurturing, your business has more time to grow and evolve. The support received in our integrated systems approach is second to none. This is because each system has its own support team ensuring quick informative responses when you need them.

So, would you prefer to work with a jack of all trades who is master of none or use an integrated systems approach where you are guaranteed the best of the best? We know which one we would choose.

However, just to be sure we asked, we chatted to LeadByte about what their clients had to say about using integrated systems over the all-in-one approach and here’s what they had to say:

“all-in-one platforms have claimed that they provide landing page builders, but these require clients to develop and upload their own HTML as well as have hard coding experience. We were just as surprised to hear this as our client was!”

  • You get top-notch players in every position specialising in what they do.  This approach ensures you’re on the most efficient track to achieve your goals. In addition to having the best service its vital to have a team behind it, that’s willing to discuss where you are, where you want to go and how they will get you there through their product.
  • Seamless setup. Why? Because a system should be created in such a way that it is easy for you to use the various different interfaces.
  • Lastly, it’s important to note the value in short term contracts versus long term ones that tie you in for an extended period of time. Often, with an integrated systems approach, companies are less likely to try and lock you in with long term contracts. This way, the client can choose to renew a contract based on the service provided as opposed to being roped into one that they are unhappy with but cannot get out of.

An integrated system has proven itself to enhance productivity and increase workflow, therefore maximising your ROI. As a business tycoon, Azim Premji says, “the important thing about outsourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.” And from what we’ve discussed in this article, we can see an integrated system approach promises to do just that!

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