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The Impact Of Not Having A Lead Management System

In previous posts, we have explained how valuable a lead management system can be for your business. In this post, we will be explaining how disastrous the effects that not having a lead management system can have!

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September 15, 2023

Lets Set The Scene

Let us say, we have a client Andrew come to us after using a different lead management system that had failed to live up to his expectations, it simply was not working for his business. There were multiple reasons Andrew felt the system he was using was falling short of his expectations and he was struggling with the downtime. As a result, he began to look at other options because issues like this can lead to extra spending and costs Andrew had not budgeted for.

Naturally, due to this and other faults in the system, Andrew felt he had to try something new and moved on. As a back-up plan, Andrew had to trade in a lead management system for an API bridge whilst he decided what was next! For those of you who are unfamiliar with this kind of system, it connects all of the software your company is using and gets it to work together: a grab everything, put it together and send it kind of approach. While this method helped our client with what he wanted to do – transfer leads from pages to buyers, however, it was not a lead management system and could only take the client so far.


Lack of compliance

  • HLR Validation ensures and affirms that the phone number is live online through a request that is sent to the provider to confirm the status. The information of which is provided in milliseconds for your benefit.
  • Email validation determines the quality and deliverability of each contact verifying their authenticity and affirming which prospects are legitimate.
  • IP address validation is extremely important if you are targeting specific areas. We are able to confirm the general area in which the prospect is at the time. You can use this to check that the opt-in IP address is local to the market.
  • TPS tracking is highly important as it allows people to opt-out of receiving unsolicited sales and marketing. At Leadbyte, we track this and consistently update our list which you can see and ensure you do not break the law by contacting people who have opted-out.

Email and SMS costs are inevitably higher

If you are not validating data before sending, you could be throwing away a fair amount of money! We worked out that if you remarket the same data, not validating your leads can cost you up to £1260 more per year!

Lack of growth

There is only so much you can do with spreadsheets. You lose valuable hours as a result of having to manually download leads and then send them as CSV’s via email.

No real-time reports

Not being able to check on your campaigns in real-time affects your ability to scale up campaigns. This is because you cannot track costs without real-time reports therefore, you are unable to make changes to campaigns in time for changes to be effective.

Not having multiple buyers

LeadByte allows clients to see where and when to prioritize buyers through a variety of distribution methods. The reason having multiple buyers is so beneficial is you can maximise your lead return on investment (ROI). You can maximise lead ROI by choosing the distribution method that suits you best based on what it is that you are looking for. To read more on lead distribution, click here.


Then, Andrew finally found Leadbyte! We offered free seamless migration, the team was in touch with him to discuss a customised package that would meet his needs exactly by determining what his current and future goals were and showing how we could help him achieve these. We do this with all our new clients and continue to do so throughout your time with us. Andrew was very tech-savvy and was up and running in no time! If that’s not your forte, worry not, we always ensure that everything is in place. Andrew was set up correctly to start generating leads on the same day he came to us!

Andrew would now be able to:

  • Capture leads from multiple sources
  • Validate and authorize leads
  • Distribute leads securely
  • Nurture and monetize his leads

Click here to see the many other benefits to LeadBytes lead management system!

The moral of this story, Bob Hooey sums it up perfectly, “If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.” Andrew saw significant growth and an increase in revenue, many of our clients achieve up to 40% more leads, a 29% increase on sold leads and found that they saved up to 10 hours a week using our lead management system!

According to Anthony Lannarino, “It’s about caring enough to create value for customers. If you get that part right, selling is easy.” At LeadByte, we have spent many hours fine-tuning our product so that our clients get the best value for their money.

If you are feeling like Andrew was and you just want more out of your lead management system, please get in touch with us here and we will be happy to help you take your business where it needs to go!

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