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Overcoming The Lead Management Challenges – A Client Case Study

At LeadByte, we're frequently asked how the platform would assist the end-user/business and their present operations. It's one thing to tell prospects what LeadByte can do; it's quite another to show them how useful the platform can be to their operations and bottom line. As a result, we've put together this case study based on a freelancing client who has seen benefits after only two months of utilizing LeadByte. For the sake of anonymity, we'll refer to this client as Roger.

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September 15, 2023

Roger creates leads for a call center that works on a CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) model and pays out on a CPL (Cost Per Lead) basis (Cost Per Lead). Because he competes with other lead providers, he must ensure that his leads are given on a daily basis to reduce the call center's duplicate rate. He now exports leads from his various advertising sources to a spreadsheet and sends the information to the call center through email (GDPR warning!).

His CPA has recently been reported as being excessively high by the call center! Roger must work fast to get his client's target CPA back on track.


After further analysis of his lead generation operations Roger came to three major conclusions:

  1. His lead management operations were highly inefficient (Capturing and Delivering Leads).  
  2. His competitors are delivering leads to the call centre at a quicker rate which means that a lot of his leads are being marked as duplicates and is therefore returned by the call centre.
  3. He’s not able to track channel performance, specifically which advertising channel is generating the best CPA for the client and which yields him the best ROI.


After this analysis, Roger conducted some research on a solution to optimise his lead management processes. He found LeadByte. After a month of using LeadByte he’s now able to:

  • Centralise lead capture into 1 single CRM
  • Validate leads
  • Deliver leads securely in real-time to his clients’ dialler
  • Automate pre-sales call SMS
  • Build a compliant re-marketing funnel via email and SMS
  • Monitor statistics in real-time

Previously, Roger was only able to view his lead generation activity through his advertising channel dashboard (Google, Bing & Facebook’s Ad manager). However, he couldn’t determine individual ads/keywords generating leads that were being sold to the call centre.

After implementing LeadByte, Roger is now able to view various lead activity metrics within one dashboard, all in real-time. Additionally, he can now view leads that have passed all the validation requirements determined in the campaign set-up. After this, his leads are delivered to the call centre in real-time, meaning the call centre agent can immediately dial out on the lead seconds after a customer submission.

Roger went one step further and implemented an autoresponder which sends a text message to each sold lead, informing them about the call they are about to receive from the call centre. This new lead management strategy ensures the highest possible lead quality which leads to higher connection rates & lower CPA for the call centre (more conversation, more chance of converting).

As a result of this new lead management process, Roger now has an upper hand on his competitors. His leads are being returned less often because they’re being delivered in real-time.  Additionally, Roger is now able to track his sold leads by advertising source/keyword/creative/etc. Furthermore, this has enabled him to optimise his advertising by allocating budgets based on the best performing ad. Everyone’s winning.

With more confidence gained in his lead gen process, Roger has sourced a second buyer that is prepared to buy leads that are being returned from his first client. LeadBytes Pingtree technology allowed him to do this with ease. Thus he’s now able to monetise the leads returned by the first client to his new buyer, reducing advertising waste.


Here are Roger’s stats for June before (Before Using LeadByte)  

  • 15,039 Leads Generated and delivered to the call centre
  • 7,022 Sold to Call Center (47%)
  • 8,017 Leads were returned by the call centre (53%)

Roger’s Stats and figures for July (After using LeadByte)

  • 18,377 Leads Generated
  • 2,574 (14%) Marked as invalid and rejected by LeadByte
  • 15,803 (86%) Marked as valid by LeadByte & delivered to the call centre
  • 1,781 (10%) Returned by clients
  • Total Leads Sold: 14,022  

From this, we can see that Roger went from 47% to 76% on leads sold. That’s a 29% increase in revenue! This is a significant amount considering he’s being paid on a CPL basis.

2574 – LeadByte System Rejection Breakdown

  • 1413 Marked as duplicates (64%)
  • 623 Rejected because of HLR & Landline check (24%)
  • 315 Marked as an invalid UK mobile number (12%)
  • 223 Marked as invalid IP (8%)

This rejection summary has enabled Roger to further optimise his landing page. For reduced invalid numbers, he emphasised the need for a customer to double check their information entered.


All in all, LeadByte enabled Roger to:

  1. Centralise his lead management process, removing the need for spreadsheets and manual file handling.
  2. Validate leads in real-time, increasing the lead quality and reducing the CPA for the call centre.
  3. Distribute leads in real-time to the multiple buyers, increasing connecting rate, whilst reducing the number of duplicate leads reported by the clients.
  4. Further optimise the campaign based on a system rejection report, increasing ROI from marketing spend.
  5. Allocate 10 hours a week on other business-critical tasks.

As demonstrated above, automating your lead management processes is vital for increased conversion rates & the highest possible ROI. Be sure to explore our extensive feature list here. Excited about what you see? Request a demo here or call us today on +44 1244 344319  to discover the full capabilities of LeadByte.

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